Saturday, February 12, 2011

Circle Square Song Lyrics by Jeremy Matthews

All my God is where I lost myself come around to lift me up. A means to lift the spirit to the higher self suddenly out of the great blue whether water below or sky up above. Somewhere else is an age old song always. Welcome to the land of somewhere else whether earth fire and water in between air to make them all move. Their has always been a king to make a better world. We are all equals anywhere a world within a world, we are all going back to the earth, coming back through because I'm coming home suddenly out of the great blue through and through. You know I know the dance the soul fiery dance like eternal flames a soul fiery dance circle square coming through a higher self mastered manifest higher will better known as the love of all. This king is here to make the Aquarius Age end Golden as if the sun has set a new day. We are all equals anywhere, we are all going back to the earth that's where we'll plant the seed of light to master the dark with a wise flow I sow to flow I know circle square dedicate to create. Oh don't you know I know that's something else in the flow I dedicate to create with a wise flow I sow to flow I know. Keep on stacking these circles to square in a life of breathe singing circle through in a life come through in a life of breathe circling circle square dedicate to create. The more aware to square come back around. The more you create keeping the embers of time rekindling in the fire dance of creation born of the air connecting all keeping on stacking to square in a life of breathe keep encircling a life still here to come through all still here with a wise flow I sow to flow I know. Circle square dedicate to create with a wise flow I sow to flow I know into the ever present time with a curious child like nature be so fair into the daring unknown be shown with a wise flow I sow to flow I know ya so I sow through and through with a wise flow I sow to flow I know that's why I dedicate to create why i do declare with a wise flow I sow to flow I know dedication be so fair why i do declare life is what the real you leaves behind. With a wise flow I sow to flow I know .Oh don't you know I do declare with a wise flow I sow to flow I know. With a wise flow I sow to flow I know. Life is what the real leaves behind with a wise flow I sow to flow I know ever curious rhyme. Oh don't you know that's something else in the flow I dedicate to create why I do declare. All my God is where I lost myself, come back around to lift me up suddenly out of the great blue. We are all equals anywhere. We are all going back to earth.

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