A River Board Maker shapes to the surface they ride on although it is true we love our fellow Board Sport Riders coming out and testing the waters on our proving grounds of a roaring set of rapids. I am sure they will all agree that it is a different surface that we use our feet to brushstroke the Artistic and Athletic Talent of a Unique Set of Skills that has Evolved and been proven within the River Board World within and of itself. This isn't just another version of Surfing or Boogie Boarding its its own thing. This shape is the most versatile shape on the market because it allows the most tricks that one can only do on a River Board in a Set of Rapids with a custom shape for that purpose. If you want to live the adventure of the up river ride and you have a stretch system or you know how to make one of your own or you just love our Boards like we do.
Here is how you can get your Hands on one of these Boards Valued at Only $89.00 Dollars on the Internet:
We will give you an Internet Discount and Free Shipping and You will give us your Name, Telephone Number and Mailing Address by clicking on the email order icon and sending us your order information in an email. All Payments will be received through the regular mail. We will Send you a Bill of Payment for the safety of yours and our records along with a Self Addressed Return Envelope for You to Return your Payment in the mail. We Thank You for Honoring our Service to You. All Checks or Money Orders are made Payable to JTM Boards You will receive Your Board within two weeks after we receive your Payment. Please give us your order information such as Your Name, Telephone Number and Mailing Address for processing your Order in this email box: orderroundbottomriverboard@yahoo.com
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